Your Lucky Numbers for April 27-May 3, 2016

Your Lucky Numbers for April 27-May 3, 2016

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 25th Apr 2016

Hello again!

Mercury retrograde week- oh, so daunting. Only, not so much. Think about those old plans and projects you put on the back burner, things you meant to look into: and you’ll probably find some things you can dust off, shine up and use to further financial gains. Now, on to your lucky numbers and days.

Good Luck!



This week’s lucky numbers are 14, 49, 51, 66, 67, and 2, Aries. You will find that this week really IS more about finding new plans of attack with money and love. Well, you don’t want to attack, per se, but figuring out the path forward should be your goal.


6, 28, 33, 39, 55, and 3 are your most lucky numbers for the week ahead, Taurus. Early on in the week, you may feel a bit more open, and love can benefit from that. Later? Things begin to look a bit more promising on the financial front.


Gemini, the numbers that hold the most potential for you this week are 13, 20, 28, 38, 66, and 19. You’re going to find that this week brings a bit of push and pull across the board. You can have a pretty good week on all fronts as long as you’re careful about where you allocate those resources.


6, 37, 50, 61, 62, and 22 are your lucky numbers for the week ahead, Cancer. Monday through Wednesday all show great potential to finally be more open about your needs with someone else. Later in the week? Little sparks of confidence may help you find good investments.


Leo, your luckiest numbers this week are 5, 13, 29, 57, 62, and 22. You’re going to be feeling pretty good from midweek on in terms of love and money gets a nice little highlight come Friday.


3, 4, 16, 55, 68, and 1 are your lucky numbers in the week ahead, Virgo. This week is going to be more about playing catch up on the financial front but, in love, revisiting happier times may help soothe some nerves.


Libra, your lucky numbers for the week ahead are 18, 23, 42, 63, 67, and 22. You’re going to be finding the first part of the week a bit sluggish, hard to move on anything, really- but, things pick up midweek, and you’ll feel more confident about investing, new jobs, and even about connecting with others.


41, 44, 54, 59, 61, and 4 are your lucky numbers for this week, Scorpio. Early in the week, opportunities may emerge that are too good to resist: whether it’s love or money, take it slowly for best results.


21, 55, 8, 10, 9, and 3 are your luckiest numbers in the week ahead, Sagittarius. You’ll find that most of your higher minded, more influential energies hit early in the week, peaking on Wednesday. Use these influences to express yourself and opportunities will come of that.


Capricorn, your lucky numbers in the week ahead are 8, 5, 22, 33, 49, and 6. An open mind all week long will have you sniffing out the chances you need to take to get ahead. They’re there, but don’t write things off immediately for any reason.


2, 6, 33, 45, 8, and 7 are your lucky numbers for this week, Aquarius. Though this week seems a bit sluggish when it comes to new things, you may find your best luck in money comes in revisiting and revising old plans about a project. There’s more potential there than you think.


This week, your lucky numbers are 5, 10, 22, 9, 10, and 4, Pisces. A look at new, exciting things and a jump out of your comfort zone will bring big results in money as you get the ball rolling on them. In love, you may find expressing your fears and your gratitude makes the whole week awesome.







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