June 2016 Monthly Star Blast Horoscope

June 2016 Monthly Star Blast Horoscope

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 6th Jun 2016

Hey Out There, and Happy June!

Just a quick note to let you guys know that after much consideration, I wanted to offer a much more expansive and specific monthly outlook for you all. While this does mean my introduction to the month ahead won’t be quite as long, I do hope you find the more direct approach helpful.

All My Best,




We open this month with a New Moon in Gemini, Aries- on the 4th. This will have you feeling a lot more motivated, much more capable of looking at the more positive side of life, and it may feel like ideas are brimming to the surface with ease.

You might just find that if you’ve been dealing with the slower energies brought about by Mercury being in Taurus that now, things begin to speed up. When Mercury moves into Gemini on the 12th, Aries, you are going to find that you’re a bit quicker on the draw, have plenty on your mind to share with others and are much more capable of doing so, now.

Neptune’s retrograde on the 13th may have you feeling a bit more depth- this can be a wonderful asset in a sense, as it helps you to better understand how the past has been impacting your emotions. It’ll be a little easier for you to see now what you need to let go of, what you can move on from, and how important that is for you.

Venus’s transit into Cancer on the 17th gets a bit of a boost with the Sun also moving into that sign. You’ll find this helps you to focus your emotions much more, to stabilize them and this will have a bit of help as Mercury goes from Gemini to Cancer at the end of the month. You may find that relationships with others begin to move to the next level, and it’ll be easier to put yourself in others’ shoes for a perspective shift.

On the 20th- the Full Moon in Sagittarius can have you feeling a bit defensive, but, it’s a good time to continue working on any situations that have stagnated the past few months. You can definitely draw on the optimism from the other transits I mentioned above here to find a much stronger and more lasting solution than before.

Once Mars turns direct on the 29th, you’ll find this comes in handy, because you may be feeling a bit more on edge over emotional slights and hurts. This can bring to the front some old wounds that need healing, now, and it’ll be an excellent time for you to bridge those gaps, let go of the past, and begin to get things on a much more even keel.


The Gemini new moon on the 4th also brings some nice things your way, Taurus. New projects that can help to expand your financial opportunities may begin to trickle in- but more than that, you can feel a little more confident with pursuing them.

On the 12th, Mercury’s transit into Gemini helps you feel a bit better about your pace in things. It may smooth out the rougher edges that have been occurring over the course of the last few months. In addition to that, though it’ll definitely help you to take care of the things you’ve needed to, but may have felt a little bit too out of whack to address.

This holds a particular benefit as Neptune’s retrograde the next day may have you feeling slightly unclear about a few things. You might start to question some of the associations you have in your life and being able to slow down and really consider them will help. Being more future-minded is definitely to your best advantage now, as focusing too much on your past can hold you back.

Once Venus moves into Cancer on the 17th, you’ll find yourself feeling much less confusion in terms of those things as well. As the Sun also moves into that sign on the 20th, this gets an added boost, and you might be feeling like the muse bit you pretty good. This will keep you busier and more focused on the things you want to work on, but also, it can help foster some long conversations you’ve been needing to have with those you are closest to.

As the Full Moon happens in Sagittarius on the 20th, you’ll find that all those issues you’ve been struggling to let go of come into sharper focus. It will definitely help you put the past to rest, to let go of the hurt, guilt or other baggage you’ve held on to and more than that, help to cut some ties that have been holding you back.

This will be particularly beneficial with Mars stationing direct at the end of the month on the 29th, because if you have been noticing little issues, resentments and otherwise over the course of the past few months: you can now be much more active in addressing the root causes and moving forward in your relationships with others.


This month opens with a wonderful New Moon right in your sign, Gemini! You will find this helps you feel a bit more inspired, get some new things lined up to play with, and in general, just improves your mood all around. If you tap into the energy that this New Moon can provide, you might just find you feel a sense of renewal and rebirth that helps get you back on track in lots of things.

Now, the past few months may have had you feeling a bit more introverted and less like yourself. You may have felt like you weren’t able to be 100% you with some people, or like you had to somewhat stifle your expressions. As Mercury enters your sign on the 12th, all that begins to lift and you can feel a bit more openly expressive again- and not only will that help you to convey those ideas you’ve had, but it can help to talk things out with those you care about.

On the 17th, you’ll find yourself feeling a bit less rushed, hectic, and stressed as Venus moves into Cancer. You’ll have a renewed sense of not only just being motivated, but being able to carry through with the plans you’ve made. This will also help you to take your time when you’re making big choices, which helps a great deal. You may also find yourself feeling a bit less “Blah” in terms of love- and definitely more like finding just the right balance of give and take.

When the Full Moon hits on the 20th, in Sagittarius, you’ll be feeling like closing a few doors. Not just on projects that didn’t work out, but on relationships with others that don’t have a good balance. More than just closing doors in that sense, though- you could also take a lot further than you’d ever expected, once you free yourself of the past hurts, expectations, and disappointments.

Closing out the month with Mars stationing direct on the 29th, you will also find that a lot of the issues you had in terms of just your usual day to day begin to resolve themselves. The lack of clarity and inability to focus you may have been dealing with clears, and now, it’s time to get to some nose to the grindstone dream chasing.


You might find yourself ready to let go of the things that have held you back right from the jump, Cancer. The New Moon in Gemini on the 4th has you thinking, maybe it’s time to let go of some of that baggage and make sure a few things that have been left dangling are cleared up.

As Mercury moves into Gemini as well on the 12th, you’ll find that you’re feeling more ready to make some plans. You may spend a bit of time thinking about the things you’d thought should happen that didn’t and coming up with much more realistic and actually better approaches. It’s best to keep a lot of those plans close to the vest for right now, and also to make plenty of time for yourself. You may find that during this particular stretch, you’re just feeling a bit more introspective than usual, anyway but, also, people may feel particularly draining.

Both Venus and the Sun will be in Cancer, in a process which culminates on the 20th and begins on the 17th. During this time, you may find yourself feeling extra-awesome. You’re starting to realize that hey, you earned the praise you get, and it feels pretty good. This confidence boosting week can also be particularly excellent for matters of the heart, and it can also be an incredible time to start making some plans on new ventures. Your enthusiasm for it all will certainly be compelling to others- and hey, why not use that?

This really just gets even better with the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 20th- this full moon brings about the ending of cycles for you. Whether it’s quitting smoking, working on your stress levels, or just making sure old hatchets get buried: this is an excellent aspect to use to make that happen.

This holds particularly true as Mars stations direct at the end of the month on the 29th, when you may find that a lot of the burdens you’ve been carrying respective of others gets highlighted: but in a good way. You’ll find you are much better able to articulate your needs and wants, which helps resolve the issues you had in terms of all that, once and for all. This will help you to feel much more like you can enjoy things and get things much better in balance.


With the New Moon in Gemini opening the month, Leo, you will be feeling a lot more ready to move on some goals, dreams, and ideas. More than that, you’ll probably be feeling a bit more like getting into some new things in general- or, meeting new people.

You may have felt like you’ve had to sort of be a bit more boring than you’d like the past few months and it may have felt a little like you might have been drifting. But, with Mercury moving into Gemini on the 12th, you’ll be feeling a bit less unclear, a bit more confident in your plans and ideas. You’ll find that quite a few of the things you think up are irresistibly innovative, and your originality may find a much more receptive audience. Neptune’s retrograde on the 13th might ground a few of those- but, this is a good thing. It may not seem like it, but recognizing which of those wild dreams truly are realistic and which are not will help you move forward.

As Venus moves into Cancer, and is then joined by the Sun on the 20th, you may find that you are feeling a bit less like conveying those ideas to others. This time frame from about the 17th until then will feel a bit more introspective and more about taking care of your own emotional house, first. You’ll be thinking more about your needs and what nourishes your spirit- and you should be. You’re working your way towards a balance here, and in order to implement all the big ideas: you’ve got to have that in working order as you go.

On the 20th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will have you feeling more ready to close out the old and be more open to the new. You may find that a lot of those issues brought on during Mars’ retrograde, which ends on the 29th are a bit easier to bring to a conclusion, and this will help you feel a bit emotional, but, a lot more ready to focus on those things that matter a great deal to you in terms of your future stability.


The Gemini New Moon that opens the month on the 4th will having you feeling like there may be new opportunities up ahead. This is something you can feel quite enthusiastic about, and will help to further your goals- and in that, it’s a pretty great thing.

On the 12th, when Mercury moves into Gemini, you’ll find that this gets a big boost, and you begin to feel a bit more like branching out. More practically minded, you will also start to recognize that there are areas that need improving, and you’ll be a bit more ready to do that. Being realistic during this time will help your focus and renew your ambition, which helps you to start recognizing those things you need to let go of in order to move forward, now. You may, however, find that with Neptune stationing retrograde on the 13th, you have a harder time letting go of some things than others: specifically, your idea of people vs. the reality.

As Venus moves into Cancer on the 17th, you’ll find that you begin to be a bit more capable of shucking off those old mindsets, expectations, desires, and disappointments that have been holding you back. You may be feeling a bit more like maybe it’s time to change some things in big ways when it comes to emotional connections- noting where they’re damaging, or where they’re most hopeful. Being able to do this will help to either end a problematic situation or help an existing healthy one grow even more. Bearing in mind when it comes to romance, friendship does in fact, come first can help this tremendously.

As the Full Moon in Sagittarius hits on the 20th, this gets an even bigger boost- you’ve been dealing with some intense emotional situations over the course of the past few months: and starting to recognize your power to shut those down at the source. This can have you feeling like you’re on shaky ground at first, but, it’ll help to resolve the issues that have prevented your stability on the whole. Mars going direct at the end of the month on the 29th will further hammer that one home and have you feeling like you can finally convey those things you’ve been holding back, so that you can truly move forward unhindered, now.


Like the others, the New Moon in Gemini on the 4th should bring you a nice bright patch of optimism, too, Libra. Of course, with yours, you might also find your curiosity begins to flex its muscles a bit and the feeling like it’s time to learn or see something new will be on your mind.

When Mercury moves into Gemini on the 12th, this will have you feeling like you can be a little less stressed, a bit more free to express yourself and the grumpier vibe you’ve been dealing with off and on for the past few months will finally give way. You’ll also be feeling like it’s more time to focus on those things you can work with, rather than those you can’t, and your optimism will have a bit more of a true ring to it. Then, on the 17th when Venus moves into Cancer, you’ll find yourself feeling like your ambitions are quite realistic- and frankly, that’s because they are.

This gets a further nudge on the 20th when the Sun joins Venus, and you’ll also be feeling like there are some very clear paths ahead in your relationships. You’ll be feeling a bit more focused, and even though you do have this wonderful undercurrent of optimism to everything you do: the past few months have imbued you with a sense of caution, which balances things out nicely. That Neptune influence that comes about as a result of the retrograde on the 13th will have you examining the areas of stress in your life: and recognizing where you’re over-reaching, where you need to take some breaks.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 20th will help you better express your needs, wants, desires, and other ideas. With this full moon, also, you may find a lot of long standing issues finally starting to break and fall away, which will be a very welcome thing indeed. Those areas where you have felt insecurities creeping in, in particular during the Mars retrograde will be at play here, but once it stations direct on the 29th, you’ll find greater clarity and focus in terms of putting those to rest, finally.


You’re going to find this New Moon puts you in more of a sharing way, Scorpio. On the 4th, the New Moon in Gemini might have you thinking, “Hey, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”- and coming up with some great, mutually beneficial ideas that others respond to quite well.

Relationships with others may also benefit tremendously from the openness this fosters. With Mercury moving into Gemini on the 12th, this will be further moving along as you find that compromises really do win the day. Or week, or month, or..well, just the overall situations at play. Your focus has been on those closer relationships in your life, but, because there has been a lack of real balance to it all: this influence will help that to right itself a bit and have you feeling like getting a bit more serious about things.

Your creative energy will be rising up and with Neptune stationing retrograde on the 13th, you may start having some odd thoughts about what constitutes “serious” and how that feels to you. Be very careful with this train of thought as you may not be seeing things clearly. Consider a bit that the more you open up, the more you share, the more your needs can be met.

From the 17th through the 20th, with both Venus and The Sun going into Cancer, you will find that this is an incredibly powerful time of transformation for you. Though I usually say that to indicate challenges- in this case, not so much! Instead, you’ll find that your ideas and dreams, when shared with others help to further solidify friendships and bring relationships closer together. Though you may feel a little stifled at times, you’ll find that the more freely express yourself- the freer in your love relationships you actually feel.

Another influence that will be at play is the Full Moon on the 20th, which will be in Sagittarius. (Again, yes. It’s always the Scorpios that note the neat events like this, and we did have the full moon in that same sign in May. You’re absolutely right.) For you guys, however, this one might be promoting the ending of financial cycles you’ve been dealing with. Whether or not it’s just a project you got started on but has been stalling out or otherwise: it’s a good time to let it go and tie up the loose ends.

A bit of a special note for you Scorpios about Mars stationing direct on the 29th- I recognize fully that you guys have been getting hit with this one in some weird ways. You might have noticed your issues with control or anger have been getting a little bit harder to manage, if you have them or that resentment has been peeking out here and there. When it does station direct, you will find that you are finally able to turn that energy from “boiling over annoyed” to enthusiasm for new beginnings. I imagine that’s pretty good news!


The month of June opens with a nice bang- at least for the Sagittarius buck, anyway! You archers do so love new things- and well, this New Moon in Gemini will certainly be bringing that your way. New ideas, new mindsets, new goals, a new way to do things, and compromises may be something that enable you to feel a greater sense of inner peace as the month moves along.

Then, when Mercury goes into Gemini on the 12th, things begin to feel just a bit more relationship focused. Because Mercury had been hanging out in Taurus for a while, you were likely very focused on work related stresses and issues, and actually, on the whole, a lot more stressed out than you have been in a while. This may have taken a bit of a toll on your relationships with those you are closest to- but, in Gemini, Mercury gives you a wonderful ability to understand others much better, be more fair, and also a way of talking things through that makes everything feel less crazy in that department.

On the 17th, with both Venus and The Sun entering Cancer in the span of a few days, you’ll find that you are more able to get in below the surface. Your ability to understand and empathize with others may almost seem heightened- and oh, that famous Sagittarius curiosity is going to be on high alert. New information, mysteries, and other things will be incredibly enticing and being able to relate to those you care about will be made easier purely because of your desire to understand. After a bit of a slump the past few months, this is going to have you feeling like just about anything is possible.

I think I should probably make a very special note about this second Full Moon in Sagittarius for you guys, too- like I did with Scorpio and Mars. This is very much all about what goes around coming around, and it can get very intense. For some of you, well, you have been striving for better things for a while now and sticking to your convictions: so, what comes around might just be overwhelmingly good. For others, well, you know, mistakes happen, and you may be getting some big signs that it’s best not to repeat those errors. The thing of it is, this may be quite overwhelming in general- regardless of which path you’ve been on. Go easy on yourself, and please, be sure you’re not beating yourself up over things or taking on more than you can handle. Balance in all things and you’ll find this works out wonderfully for you either way.

Mars stationing direct is definitely going to be your friend in this on the 29th. As for you guys, it really is just all about doing a bit of mental, spiritual, emotional, and even literal housecleaning. You’ll find that ridding yourself of so much clutter- figurative or literal, helps you have room for quite a few good things that are in fact, on their way to your life.


For all you goats who’ve been feeling just plain tuckered out- I feel you, me, too! But, this New Moon we open the month with is a good one for us. A New Moon in Gemini is a salve to the Capricorn soul as it brings about plenty of opportunities- very enticing things that we can make the most of. More than that, though? If you have been feeling like you are stuck in a rut this New Moon’s just the thing to get you out of it and have you feeling ready to climb some mountains again.

With Mercury also moving into Gemini on the 12th, you’ll find that the balance that’s been lacking- all work and no play makes Cap a full goat and all that: seems a lot more doable. When Mercury was in Taurus- and worse, retrograde in Taurus, I think we all felt a little bit fixated on things, most of us it was family and loved ones, which isn’t a bad thing: but, well, now the ol’ ambition begins to rev itself up again and balance seems much more attainable. Throw in a little keen attention to detail and it’s a green light to make things better for ourselves and those we care about the most.

The unexpected is still very much a big factor in our lives- I’m not going to blow smoke up your butts and tell you everything stabilizes: because the aspects that have been at play doing that, well, they’re still at play. However, for us, the way Venus and the Sun move together into Gemini in a sense- Venus on the 17th and The Sun on the 20th: our focus might be less on feathering the nest and instead, on who’s helping us do just that, who we’re sharing said nest with. For those of us in relationships, it may be that we begin to work on those things a great deal more. Singles are going to find that now just isn’t the time for game players and fakes. (When is it ever, really?) Your standards will be much easier to maintain, however, and that’s a wonderful thing.

One of the biggest allies we have in this is the next Full Moon in Sagittarius, which happens on the 20th. Now, the first one in May was quite the doozy and this one, well, if the May one was our appetizer, June’s the main course. There were some major issues at play, and you may have seen some breaks in it with May- but, June brings the end, or the new beginning that all began to trigger. With that chapter closed, the newer, much better ones can begin.


Kids, kids, kids- your New Moon in Gemini experience, dear Aquarian friends, involves kids. Now, it might be something to do with your own children if you have them, or it may be that the playful side of you which has been getting a real beating for a while- gets to play again. On the whole, this new moon on the 4th can have you feeling less bogged down and much more playful: which sets a very nice tone for the rest of the month, indeed.

Mercury pops into Gemini on the 12th, as well and leaving Taurus makes you….aaaaaah. It may feel just a bit like finally having the cork off, so all the pressure comes out. For the past few months, your real focus has been on other people’s stuff. Mostly on how you feel about them, where they’re messing up, how they are letting you down or otherwise influencing your emotional states. Now? You can begin to feel a little less “Ugh” and a lot more happy. You can begin to have fun again- yes, yes, remember fun, Aquarius? Sweet. Creativity is also influenced, and you just may find that block you had finally crumbles.

One note of caution for June- in your playful excitement, you want to be very careful in terms of who you trust in money situations. Neptune retrogrades on the 13th, and it may hinder your ability to see things clearly when it comes to those you can truly trust in with projects and otherwise. Just pull back a bit and be clear headed- and don’t rush forward or start talking excitedly about the details to just anyone. You may find yourself deeply committed to labors and love and doing meaningful things- and well, a lot of people will be drawn to that. Make sure they deserve a little piece of the action: it means way too much to get twisted by somebody who’s only going to half-ass your idea.

The Full Moon for you guys- our second in Sagittarius this year: is all about ripping off that band-aid. You have been in some situations where certain things you held on to just did not pan out. It’s really time- whether they are people or projects: to let them go. Sever the tie compassionately or otherwise intelligently so that you can freely move into these newer, better things. You are definitely coming into a time where your hard work begins to show some serious fruit and clinging to the things that did not are only going to hinder that.


Your emotions have been going through the ringer the past few months, Pisces- but, the good news? The New Moon in Gemini on the 4th is here to the rescue. Sort of. Of course, you’ll need to work with that energy to purge the gnarlier emotions: big long cry to empty the jug, so to speak, but once you do? You’ll feel like the weight of a hundred worlds has been lifted from your shoulders.

This gets a nice little boost come about the second week on the 12th when Mercury moves into Gemini. You have probably felt like everything you had going on was sort of being processed in your brain meat in some significant ways, and well, now, it seems like you can live in your heart a bit more again. Allowing yourself to combine not just what you think- but what you feel will help you to express yourself with a lot more clarity to those who need to hear what you have to say.

It gets even better as both Venus and The Sun move into Gemini as well. Venus on the 17th and the Sun on the 20th will give you a smooth transition into working on the relationships with those you care about the most: especially in romantic situations. But it’s so much more than that- you will be able to give in to all those passions: and in doing so, expand both your heart and mind to really begin to understand that compassion begins with you and once you’re there? The shared joy is not only magnetic, but it also multiplies all over the place. Not a bad thing to be contagious, at all. With your ruler going into retrograde on the 13th: well, it’s not so bad on you guys. However, I would advise you allow yourself the time to savor things and in doing so, well, you’ll find it easier to take the things slower you need to.

Your Full Moon in Sagittarius experience is an interesting one, too. Though the last one in May probably seemed like a seriously raw, emotionally draining one- this one’s more about reciprocity, though it may still yet involve those same issues. You will find yourself feeling like you have hit a high note if you have been working pretty diligently on things, but, the challenges that get lobbed at you- they’re just letting you know where you should mark “needs improvement” and go from there. Both will enable and embolden you to make the bigger choices you need to, and to get things much more in order.







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