July 2016 Monthly Star Blast Horoscope

July 2016 Monthly Star Blast Horoscope

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 4th Jul 2016

Hey Out There, and Happy July!

July is definitely looking like it’s going to be an interesting month for you guys- and I know I am looking forward to it. Let’s get right into that, for you, now.

Have an awesome month!




The month ahead really is all about your family and home, Aries. You’re going to find that you are feeling a lot more supportive- and wanting to bring everything together so that everything’s peaceful and comfortable on the home front. The more relaxed you are- the easier this will be for you. You’ll find that once you begin to lighten up a bit, everything else is a little easier to manage and, well, going with the flow should be your motto for the month ahead.

You have some interesting things going on that might make it a little less great of an idea than usual to gamble this month- be careful, because as you begin to feel a bit more secure and confident there may be a tendency to over-extend yourself: just don’t make promises or throw out big milestones before you know absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt you can come through, and it should be fine. You also may find that on the work front- it’s a little hard to keep your cool at times, and some little workplace squabbles may be best avoided by simply not engaging.

One of the biggest running themes in July is that you begin to learn the art of diplomacy- or, well, better hone your skill with it. You’ll find that being as aggressive as you may feel like being just won’t work out that well, but, running through things, finding the middle grounds, and being able to handle things with tact does the trick. This will also typically prevent those problems from arising again- which is great. Long term solutions are always the best, right?

Love’s looking a bit better for you in July than it has in a while. Even though you were feeling just a little bit distant during parts of June, you may find that July’s just a month you’re ready to be all snuggly and close again. If you’re single, you shouldn’t have much trouble finding people to connect with by being out and about- and if you’re in a relationship you may find that this strong desire for closeness helps. There’s a bit of a pitfall ahead this month as well- you have to be very careful not to avoid the deeper emotional concerns you have or those of the people you are closest to. Be honest with yourself and others- and you should find things work out much more smoothly.

On the whole, the biggest issue in the month ahead is over-doing it in any sense- and learning to balance is going to be a continued running theme for you, Aries.

Aries affirmation this month: Balance is essential- emotional, financial, and otherwise: I can keep things moving.


Kind of a mixed bag in terms of love for you in July, Taurus. On the one hand: Oh, the sex can be passionate and intense. On the other: you may find that you’re inclined towards being just a bit more demanding than usual- so, be really mindful of how you’re coming across to your partner or potential partners.

It’s a bit of a hard month for holding back for you, is the thing. There’s an abundance of enthusiasm, and you’ve really finally opened some floodgates: this is absolutely amazing, Taurus, it truly is, but, make sure you’re listening twice and speaking once. Two ears, one mouth and you’ll find things go along a whole lot more smoothly.

In terms of your career, job, or business: you may find yourself feeling like you’re just getting started in so many respects. There’s a lot of excellent things at play right now for this, and if you’re caught up in projects or other tasks that seem to be diverting your attention from your end game- it could make you a little snippy with others. Still, all those long hours and hard work should begin to show a lot of fruit this month, so there’s plenty of reason to smile and plenty of encouragement to stay the course.

Enthusiasm is most definitely what it’s all about this month, and everyone knows- once you get the Bull moving forward, you’d be hard pressed to get them to stop. You’re determined, you’re ready to put in the hard work in order to reach your goals- and as a result, it needs to be said: make sure you’re balancing this so that you don’t burn out. Nothing wrong with spoiling yourself at the end of a work day, each day- and certainly, no one does indulging better than you do.

Respecting limits may be a little harder for you this month as a result of all these interesting energies coming into play- this isn’t just respecting the boundaries and limits of those around you: but your own as well. If you catch yourself putting a lot of pressure on anyone- including yourself, dial it back just a notch. Most of the things you’ll be working on this month are going to require that slow and steady pace, anyway- and some of them are much too awesome to rush.

Taurus affirmation this month: Moderation in all things- and I keep moving forward steadily.


This is a big month, with big changes, Gemini. Many of these things may seem almost instant: but in fact, they are the result of the way you’ve been handling things all along. Though stress has played a big factor in things, this month it should ease up a bit and allow you some breathing room. You’ll find continuing to solve some issues seems like a big job, but once you see some things turning around- the optimism you feel will keep you motivated.

Making changes to your health routine is a thing this month- whether that be eating better, learning to meditate, getting more active: whatever it is, you might feel like it’s time for a change there. As Mars moves into your house of work- you will find that you have the incentives and the drive to not only do just that but so much more.

Though there might be challenges on the work front- with Mars actually being pleasantly aspected: you tackle those challenges, pin them to the ground and make them your...well, you know. There’s a big potential for increased income as a result of all of this, and you’ll find that the wave of change hits you in the wallet, as well: in a good way.

In love, things really are on a more stable front. Though it can be a little dull at times, you will find that a Saturn influence in your life really pushes you towards more positive things. Mercury, Venus and the Sun link up to help you find the emotional stability and joy you’ve been looking for, and you’ll find you are able to more effectively communicate your needs, as well as hearing theirs.

Gemini affirmation this month: Go, go, go! Green lights all across town.


You might be feeling a bit more pep this month, Cancer- but it’s far more than just feeling good physically. The month ahead holds a lot of changes- which, you are usually not all that fond of, but these will be the kind of changes that have you feeling a strong sense of optimism for the things to come.

When the Sun’s in those first two decans early on you will find that people just respond really well to you- and you will be able to influence people very well, getting what you want without really having to do much more than ask. The confidence you feel in what you’re doing with your path really shines, and people are just drawn to that.

You will also find that with a nice Venus/Mercury thing going- you’ll be better able to think things through and convey those feelings you’ve been holding back a while. With the heightened communication, you’ll finally make some headway on the things you’ve hoped would change.

Towards the end of the month, opportunities in the financial realm are going to just pop up out of nowhere, it might seem. With your vocational house lit up like the 4th of July- you will find that opportunities for advancement in your career fall into your lap: but it will be up to you to take advantage of them and make them work. You can do it!

Cancer affirmation this month: Why wait for opportunity to knock when you can just swing the door open wide?


It may feel like you’re walking around in a bit of a haze early in the month, Leo. Though you’re able to get things done, you’ll find yourself dragging just a bit, and a little unclear on a lot of things. Come about the second week, though- that fog lifts and clarity starts charging right on in.

You will find yourself not only seeing things much more clearly, but communicating the things you feel about those things you see. Not everyone’s going to take that so well- but, frankly, the ones who do get all grouchy about it are probably the ones you won’t miss a whole lot if they bail. Do you honestly need someone who isn’t in your corner still hanging around, anyway?

Mid-month, as your sign moves into Mercury, you’ll find that you’re feeling like taking things to a new level, anyway. You will feel a bit stronger in how you work with others, and a lot better able to relay the things you think. People respond to this pretty well and by the third week, you will find progress begins in earnest.

These things are all great assets for the work life, but what about your love and personal life? Well, big changes can happen- and in some cases, it may be a big reveal followed by a tie cut: but, even if that’s the case: the end result will be positive. In other cases, this communication helps to clarify a few concerns, get things moving on a better track and in general, strengthen the bond.

Leo affirmation this month: Once I am seeing things clearly- I can make sure others are, too.


The month of July may be one where you’re working on your closest friendships and tightening the bonds of love, Virgo. Because you will be feeling more like you can be yourself- and more comfortable going it alone, you’ll have the confidence you need to stand your ground and get what you want. The new moon that opens the month may have you meeting new people- and feeling more excited about the way things are going than ever: so it may be difficult to pull back a bit: but you’ll be needing to.

It may feel like you need more alone time this month anyway, except, you also feel like sharing your ideas. Being careful and making sure that you’re not overdoing it will be a factor- and if you have to drop a few social engagements to work on things, it’s really not a big deal. Neither is making sure that you get that alone time so that you can rest and recharge. Because you’ll also be feeling much more intuitive- it’s more necessary now than ever.

The full moon in Capricorn on the 19th will bring about resolutions to a lot of long standing projects or problems- and will have you thinking about what you want and need in relationships and friendships. It’s good to take stock: you’ll find this helpful in determining who is worth your time and who simply isn’t.

Virgo affirmation this month: Alone time is a necessity for me this month- and I will make it a priority.


July may really seem like it’s all about breaking free from ruts and getting out of your comfort zone, Libra. Though that’s a little weird at first, you will find that it’s a bit delightful as you discover new things and do things you just wouldn’t usually do.

Let’s talk a little first about the juxtaposition of the New Moon in Cancer on the 4th- and the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 19th. You start to realize that goals are the answer: but more than that, you begin to act on feelings that are truer to yourself, and in doing so: people respond very well for the most part. The occasional ones that don’t- well, it’s really no great loss. You will begin to recognize who’s in, and who just isn’t: which, though painful, is needed. You deserve nothing less than those who want to see you for who you are- not who they want you to be. This becomes quite a part of your long-term goals- as you begin to change up the plan here and there, refining and making it much fuller and comprehensive.

You’ll also be finding that the friendships you have undergo a lot of changes- as you begin to reflect a bit more on the past, some of this stuff can seem downright karmic. You are coming into your own, so to speak: and though what you’re doing, thinking and feeling may seem out of character to those around you: those who know you best know it’s just you. You know it’s you. Always been there- and always just wanting to be heard. Go ahead, Libra. In July, allow those things you feel and think to flow freely. Being yourself will feel a lot more natural, and you’ll feel a lot less fear in it- much less apprehension about who will appreciate and who will reject. There’s a reason for it: you begin to realize that some people just do not belong in your life. Some, though, come shining through in big ways. Believe me- being true to yourself and those that accept? Make up for those that do not.

It may not be easy towards the end of the month, as Mercury moves into Virgo- but it’s not because you’re afraid anymore, it’s more that there are plans and dreams- and you have set some standards, you have this renewed sense of purpose. You’re ready to streamline it all, and come out with some serious magic. And you will, Libra. Go with these feelings, and fight the doubt with everything in you. When you’re alone- you’ll find your mind really whirs and things come together, now. It won’t be entirely comfortable: but it will be so worth it. Uranus retrograde kind of tangles into this mix- and you’ll be thinking about the long-term, so it will be even more important that you go with this. That you get it all worked out. Some of these changes will not be fast- and you need to be ready for that. Understand the process and work it.

Libra affirmation this month: To thine ownself be true.


So, we open the month on a high note, here, Scorpio- a New Moon in Cancer will have you craving- and reaching out for new experiences that have you feeling really good. You’ll begin to feel a sense of renewed hope and optimism- and be ready to sort of branch out. On the 12th, when Venus goes into Leo, and Mercury heading on into that sign on the 13th- you will also be feeling much more ready to take on those things. Ready to do the work you need to, no more excuses.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 19th will lend a renewed strength- and almost stoic approach to the way that you chase after things. You’re ready to close out the old, and start telling it just like it is. This is a wonderful time to finally unburden yourself of those things you’ve kept locked up inside. This may seem like your best month so far- but not so fast, because those seeds you are optimistically planting in July fruit later in the year: so you kind of begin to understand that the best is yet to come. After taking a beating off and on for the past couple of years- this is wonderful. Mercury will go into Virgo on the 30th- and this will have you more innovative than ever about how to solve those issues you’ve been dealing with, and collaborations will flourish.

Scorpio affirmation this month: The unfamiliar is my playground- and in it, I can rebuild and be reborn.


This month, Sagittarius you will find yourself feeling much, much more ready to make the changes you want- but at times, stifled. However, as you begin to notice that you work better with others, recognition of the team you’re on hits. Whether it’s family, loved ones or business partners, you will find that there’s definitely strength in numbers.

You’re focused and clear- with a lot of positive aspects in Mercury- also, feeling much more ready to convey those feelings weighing on your heart. Your motivation is to let it all hang out- and oh, baby, nobody does it quite like you do, Sagittarius. Though many of the things you convey will, in fact, be hurtful truths to others- these are the things they need to hear. You need to be heard, and this is why your soul just seems to eek out in your words these days. Let it out before it claws its way out.

Adventure begins to be an irresistible force in your life- seemingly moreso than ever before. You are ready to do some exploring, make some new connections, and finally feel that strong sense of purpose you’ve been looking for. A critical turning point for you is on the horizon- wherein you begin to make choices that change everything. Grab the globe of your life and flip that sucker upside down.

Sagittarius affirmation this month: I have the courage to change it all- here and now, with just my words.


I don’t know about you, fellow goats- or, well, actually, I kind of do: but, this year, thus far has left me gasping for breath, wondering, “WTF?!” quite a lot. This has already been a transformative year- and we are only just getting into July. In the States, we do have Independence Day, and you might consider this month to be your own personal one.

On the homefront- fair warning, things will be tense and quite possibly, unsatisfying. This will come to a head: because it’s time that it did. However, the singular advantage to it all is the New Moon in Cancer on the 4th. This is the oppositional pole on our axis- and we need to stop and address this a second because I keep seeing it glossed over. This New Moon may cast a light on those areas where our emotional and physical stability may not be so great. It will begin to bubble up those desires for nurturing and discipline. Our sign, well, it’s sort of the Papa, but Cancer is the Mother, and both sides are important and recognizing the strength in the duality is key.

Stoicism ain’t gonna cut it this month, Capricorn. This Full Moon will also actually enhance our ability to express ourselves clearly- but passionately. You’ll find that those around you matter a great deal- either in being supportive: or how starkly notice that they are not. By the time the Full Moon in our sign happens on the 19th- we’ll be ready to overcome those setbacks and blocks we’ve been dealing with. Turning things around and opportunities are also highlighted- so do not become too frustrated: you’ve got this.

Capricorn affirmation this month: I am ready for whatever life- and my inner goat- throw at me. Time to rise.


Relationships will be the highlight for you this month, Aquarius as Venus heads into Leo, your oppositional sign. But, before this, the New Moon in Cancer has already set the stage for this: and it isn’t a dress rehearsal. You begin to understand that across the board, it is time for better decisions, and you are able to negotiate and compromise with those you need to in order to take those steps.

As a matter of fact, bouncing your ideas off of someone who really gets you is a good idea. This will help you to not only better understand what you’re up to, what you need: but better refine it all. One of the key themes this month and where you may find the most challenges: balance. You need to learn to work with it rather than against it so that things are less dramatic, so that they stabilize and you can be calm.

Towards the end of the month, you get a bit more serious about everything. You want to work things out and get them done- and those things that come across as shallow may be a tad on the annoying side to you. If you apply this intense focus to your goals, rather than being distracted by these things- you will be unstoppable. No matter what obstacle emerges: you will overcome it.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 19th will have you feeling a bit sluggish and drained- however, it will also give you a chance to re-assess your balance and how you’ve been approaching things to do it much better. You start to realize that all that baggage from your past is what’s really throwing off your balance: and you can let it go. Begin to surround yourself with better people- those who support, nurture and encourage you now. Take the alone time as needed: and July can be a very powerful month for you.

Aquarius affirmation this month: Balance will help me to move forward and let go of those things holding me back.


You open the month with that New Moon in Cancer, Pisces- and it has your brain just whirring with new projects, ideas: and just in general, feeling a bit more optimistic about things. There’s also just something about this New Moon- can’t really put your finger on it, can you? Something is sort of tickling at the back of your mind where your soul hides out: a song you can remember the medley but not the words, just yet.

Mid-month, until about the end of the month you will begin to find that your energy is more efficient and goal oriented. As you begin to become more entrenched in your work, that sense of support you’re seeking begins to resound a bit louder. You aren’t really into the half invested, or those that seem superficial and surface level. The Full Moon in Capricorn may have you moving away from an old paradigm that’s been stifling you- but also, it’ll have you feeling a bit less inclined to express much beyond letting go of something that wasn’t serving you- to pursue those things that do.

Towards the tail end of the month, you’re feeling a bit more communicative- and wanting to bounce your ideas off of someone. You feel a little more like you can talk with others, and there is a very reciprocal air about everything- it’s fairly easy for you to take the balanced view and resolve a lot of things towards everyone’s satisfaction.

Pisces affirmation this month: How far outside of my comfort zone can I go? I believe only I’ve got the answer to that one.







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