Happy Birthday, Aries!  March 21 to April 19

Happy Birthday, Aries! March 21 to April 19

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 11th Mar 2016

Happy Birthday, Aries!

The Sun will be in Aries from March 21 to April 19, typically. My serious famous man crush- Robert Downey Jr. is an April 4th, Aries. Of course, William Shatner is also an Aries- his birthday being March 22: but can you really call a legend a man crush? I just don’t know. It’s a tough call. Other famous Aries natives are Christopher Walken, Zak Bagans, Sarah Jessica Parker, Conan O’Brien, Jackie Chan, and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Additionally, April 2nd is my awesome friend Chrissy’s birthday and April 5th is my little sister’s: Happy birthday, you guys! You both just rock.

Myths Behind the Ram

Aries is symbolized by the Ram, which most people know. However, that was a particular Ram- Chrysomallus. If you are familiar with Greek mythology, you may know the story of the Golden Fleece. The details of this vary from telling to telling, but basically, the story goes that the hero, Jason- wanted to take the throne of Iolcos in Thessaly. In order to do this, his uncle, King Pelias, who had stolen it said that he had to go on a quest and obtain the fleece of the golden ram, Chrysomallus. I’m not sure if you need a spoiler alert for a story out of antiquity- but, they do end up getting the fleece with the help of a sorceress called Medea. They had to go through quite a lot to get it, and more than that: they really upset a number of powerful people and gods in the process. This doesn’t really have a whole lot to do with how the constellation Aries comes about, but, is rather, a related story.

Chrysomallus wasn’t just any ram with golden fleece- he was the son of the God Poseidon and a nymph known as Theophane. She was an extremely beautiful nymph with a bunch of suitors and lovers- he turned her into an ewe and himself into a ram, basically, so that he could have his way with her without being bothered by the rest and this is where Chrysomallus was conceived. He could speak, fly. He became the constellation Aries because, eventually, a bunch of long stories short- he has himself sacrificed to Ares in a grove dedicated to the god. Once this is done, his fleece is hung on an oak in that same grove- and defended by fire-breathing bulls with brass hooves and a dragon that doesn’t sleep. Did I mention this dragon’s teeth also turn into soldiers if they’re put in the ground?

Always the First

I mentioned in our Pisces write up that Pisces closes out the zodiac: well, Aries begins it. As the first sign of the zodiac, it’s little shock that these self-motivated, energetic people tend to be rather candid- you typically won’t find an Aries that beats around the bush a whole lot.

Impatience tends to be a bit of a problem for these go-getters- and they don’t really care a whole lot for long winded, overly emotional displays. Rather straight and to the point, they tend to prefer that others are, as well. With a deep love of new things, innovation is certainly the hallmark of this sign, as is a sometimes over the top enthusiasm. Nothing wrong with that, at all- particularly, when you know exactly what it is you want. They usually do, and they’re usually not all that shy about saying so. They tend to be the masters of starting over, new beginnings, and getting things moving.

When the Sun is in Aries

When the Sun moves into Aries, the energy can be really exciting, motivated, and spontaneity is to be expected. Can you expect the unexpected? I am not sure how that works exactly; I’m just saying- whatever your sign, you may find yourself perhaps feeling a bit more boisterous and open to new things. The big motivation here is to tackle situations and overcome them and because Aries is one of those signs that is just amazingly resilient: you might find working with this energy gives you a bit of a boost.

You may find that it’s a little easier to feel more action oriented, but alongside that: you might not be all that inclined to waiting around on things. Being impatient can hang you up by the butt of your pants- so, be careful to maintain balance between your forward movement and understanding that what may be slow going for you, might feel incredibly fast for someone else. During this transit, it’s often a little easier to feel like you can take charge, and there’s often a strong drive to express yourself clearly and more openly. This can be a fantastic time to take your life back and start over if you’re looking to do that, because you’ll have a stronger idea of what motivates you, as well as what you need and want.

Side note: when we work with predictive astrology, most notably, progressed charts, when the Sun is progressed into the 1st house, it often has similar impacts as the Sun in Aries.