Are the Side Effects Worse than the Cure?

Are the Side Effects Worse than the Cure?

Posted by Leslie Riopel, MA, ACHT on 7th Nov 2016

We've all seen the commercials on television - because just about every drug has one thing in common - lots and lots of side effects. Sometimes the list of side effects is so long, it leaves you wondering if the side effects are worse than the cure.

Sometimes these side effects are minor while other times they may cause you immense pain and suffering. Nearly any drug can cause adverse side effects, and these range from stomach upset to skin irritation to even constipation.

These types of allergic reactions can happen with any drug and can range from itching and rash all the way up to a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction.

Side effects can also occur when drugs are mixed with other things, causing a dangerous drug interaction. For example, it is not advisable to mix narcotic painkillers with alcohol and something as simple as grapefruit juice can even affect blood levels and cause a reaction with certain drugs.

Side effects are common, even for a simple drug like aspirin. Any new drug that comes on the market, at least in the United Sates, has to be approved by the FDA, or Federal Drug Administration. In order for this to occur, there must be clinical evidence that the drug has a certain therapeutic effect. The drug must also be deemed as safe and proof of this must come from testing the drug. More often than not, testing begins with animals and then with humans.

If the benefits outweigh the risk, a drug will then be approved. Side effects are sometimes not known about until after a drug reaches the market and people start using it. If the FDA finds that the side effects are serious enough, they will sometimes place warnings on a drug's label.

Some interactions are so serious, that a warning known as the black box warning, are placed on the drug. If a drug causes something like a brain infection or meningitis, it may even be taken off of the market.

Drug side effects can be very dangerous, and they are wide ranging and they can include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry Mouth
  • Constipation
  • Stomach upset
  • Liver problems or hepatoxicity
  • Allergies or rash
  • Hives or swelling
  • Anaphylactic reaction
  • Headache
  • Anxiety or restlessness
  • Fatigue
  • Much, much more.

Only you can judge whether or not the side effects outweigh the benefit, but there are some things you can do to lessen the occurrence of side effects.

Even placebos can cause side effects, so what this tells us is that mind-body therapies like meditation or hypnosis, might offer someone immense relief.

Relaxing the mind and body is very beneficial to your health, and it is not such a stretch to take this one more step to use the mind to minimize side effects and boost the body's immune response.

If you are currently taking prescription medications and suffering from side effects, get relief today with our Prescription Drug Side Effects Hypnosis.