
The Clinton Birth Chart

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 31st May 2016

First, Let’s Talk About That Birth Time Issue

Most astrologers writing about the natal charts of famous people or political figures use a site called Astrodatabank. This site was founded by Lois Rodden, an astrologer who is considered one of the pioneers in this field. She is often hailed as being someone who championed accurate data in astrology, and that is something I highly respect. She’s actually a huge part of the reason many programs for astrology exist today as she wrote a comprehensive list of transit directions for one of the first programs out there. Please don’t think I mean any disrespect when I say what I am about to- I absolutely don’t. There are two sites you’ll frequently see being used as sources for the birth time of various celebrities and well-knowns: Astrodatabank and Astrotheme.

Now, Astrodatabank is the more respected of the two, being as it is still yet based on the Rodden Rating system. It did, however, switch to a Wiki format sometime in 2009, which means, of course: well, edited by users.

Astrotheme on the other hand, that’s a site that was set up in about 2002 and the information provided is simply put: sometimes unreliable. I won’t go into all the issues there, but, there are questionable things, and really the most problematic being that there are often no sources cited for how that birth time was obtained. Now, I am a huge fan of rectification but, for the sake of fairness here: it’s not always reliable, either. Often, if you get someone who doesn’t really have experience in doing this, you can get a pretty skewed result. Astro data collectors are sticklers about sources and with good reason: it’s important to have an accurate time of birth. What I will say is this, these two sites come up in your search results highly and of the two, I’d go with Astrodatabank.

So, if we look at Hillary Clinton, she states that her time of birth is 8:00 PM, but her mother often said she was born in the morning. According to Astrodatabank, the correct time of birth is 8:02 AM- but this is hotly contested on the grounds that there are a number of conflicting ideas as to when her time of birth really is. Because I am a fan of rectification- I’ll be using the 7:41 PM time that I pulled up that way, but, if you take a look around, you can find other explorations using these other times of birth, as well. I didn’t ignore Astrodatabank’s suggestion. However, the time they list has a Rodden Rating of DD: dirty data.

From the site:

Two or more conflicting quotes that are unqualified. These data are offered as a reference in order to document their lack of reliability and prevent their being presented elsewhere as factual. They are often sincere attempts to find a birth time that have met with ambiguous results. In many cases, the presentation of Dirty Data leads to the discovery of an accurate source and the data are updated to a category of greater accuracy.

Taeger data group: 4

That said, there was an exceptionally heated debate going on in one of the astrology groups I belong to. Now, couple people hit on roughly the same time I’ve chosen to go with here, but, others insisted that the morning 8:02 or the evening must be correct. Someone even went so far as to say that he spoke with Clinton herself and knows for a fact that it is! This, my friends, is how the internet works. Now, maybe I’m just being kind of overly skeptical here, but, I’m trying to imagine exactly how that conversation went- actually, I don’t have to. I had it with one of Gary Johnson’s campaign staff. If by conversation, you mean, I hit them up, told them what I was doing and asked directly for the time of birth. What happened?

Absolutely nothing. Now, this astrologer’s all right and all, I do respect his work with a lot of things, but, frankly, “Hillary Clinton told me her birth time, herself! On the phone, even!” somewhat smacks of bullshit, to me. That isn’t an entirely unheard of thing within the astrology community. I know, the Pen and Teller fans out there are gasping in shock. You, skeptics, are skeptical of my- haha. You get the idea.

One of the reasons I have chosen to go with my rectification is- well, first off, it’s mine. Secondly, bickering in the astrology community and claims aside: there is no confirmed time of birth, and I spent hours pouring over her life history (Which is actually incredible. I am not a supporter, but she IS impressive, as far as politicians go, and her backstory’s quite interesting.) I won’t go into every date I dug into, intuited would be vital to her career and personal development: because well, again, it’s mine. I guess I’m a little greedy about the 6 hours I spent researching and noting her history. ;) However, having said that, do understand that there are lots of blogs out there with the other times. You should definitely compare and contrast- I did. It will also reiterate for you my point about just how important the time of birth really is- the differences even between the 8:02 pm chart and mine- well, it’s a big deal. So, let’s get into that.

Hillary’s Natal Chart Time Distinctions

Here, I have done up a side by side of all the different times I have seen astrologers use.

Now, again, like I said in the video- you don’t have to be an astrologer to see these are all different pictures- different aspects and influences at play. When you take that, and you run transits- well, it gets to be even more significant. And really, though there is a lot of you can derive from a natal exploration- until you go over these transits at play: predicting outcomes is difficult. You can often get a hard, positive “maybe” or a negative “maybe”. Beyond that: hello, free will. Those influences at the time of your birth no more dictate your circumstances than a map you use to take a road trip. Sure, follow it, you’ll get there, wherever there happens to be- but, you can also dart off the backroads unexpectedly and end up adopting a cat you find in a small town on your detour- oh, wait. That’s just me. But, again, you get the idea.

So, the first thing I see is that Clinton is a Scorpio with a Gemini Rising.

This actually explains quite a bit, particularly when you see that she’s got Uranus conjunct her ascendant to boot. This usually indicates someone who’s actually incredibly intelligent: they’re very sociable; they can be quite compelling- and they also can be fairly objective. Sometimes, too much so- to the point it’s a little difficult for them to actually have any empathy for others.

Typically people with this aspect are really great speakers- and can easily convey ideas and other things so as to get things together. That Uranus aspect indicates a deep need to rebel, someone who tends to color outside of the lines and is usually something of an iconoclast: and whatever else you might say about Clinton, this much is true: she has certainly made history more than once in the course of her career.

I mentioned before about her probable secrets coming out, in my profile of Trump and I did say that they’re not very likely to harm her by much. That is still very much reflected in quite a few aspects of this chart- but, Gemini rising people are pretty adept at turning the script to their advantage, no matter what. They tend to be remarkably adaptable- and given what I found when I read through her relevant dates: she’s definitely not any exception. I’ll get more into that when I go into these transits, but again, I will reiterate: kinda wonder what’s going to happen as we get into the summer months. I’m not sure we’re looking at a sure win here, but, it is awfully tempting to call it.

Of course, well there’s that Moon in the 10th- working in the public eye. That Moon is square Uranus, which, well, means that she’s actually enjoying every minute of everything that’s going on- even when it’s a bit on the scary “Oh, my secrets are going to be revealed side” believe it or not, even with that Scorpio Sun. Because it is exciting. It is a rush. Going into Mars, she has some interesting Mars about her; there is no question about it: Mars in Leo, she is a fighter, competitive to a fault, and proud. But just like Trump with his Leo rising- well, people with this placement have to be on top. They have to be number 1. They are driven by this to such degrees that they will pull out all of the stops- and well, when you get into the fact that it’s conjunct Pluto? There’s not much she’s above in her efforts to get it. Put those together in particular and you do have someone who will justify pretty much any course of action that puts them in the position they desire. That doesn’t necessarily denote dishonesty- but it certainly doesn’t exclude it either. They can also be tremendous workhorses. While much has been said about both Sanders and Trump’s supporters being somewhat fanatical and single-minded: here’s the thing, Hillary Clinton actually is. She also, however, has Jupiter in Sagittarius- which can indicate she’s very well aware of the bigger picture: but this one can go either way. She can either be quite open-minded, wanting to know other points of view, or remarkably critical and dogmatic.

Predictions for Clinton

Now, while the above looks at her natal information as I see it based on the rectified time of birth I worked with- looking at her transits and progressions for the next year or so is interesting, to say the least.

I’m sort of curious, but unsure of exactly what it is I am seeing from about the 27th of May moving through June- because it looks kind of sketchy and bad. It really looks as though a lot of pressure, a lot of things coming to light and otherwise may make her temper cause her to make a bit of a misstep here, though, going back to her natal chart: that makes me really wonder exactly what that might be. Based on what’s at play, I’m thinking something involving those odd voter tampering concerns in a couple of states, though, I don’t believe it’ll be written off as being her fault and it may not actually be. I am sure a lot of people will feel otherwise about the blame here, but, on the whole, I don’t think it’ll have the kind of impact some might hope it does. I think about mid-month then, there’ll be a bit of an about-face as she begins to move forward from that, even still.

Going on into July, again, seems like something is really putting a lot of pressure on her, here- and not just in the sense you know, she’s striving for the highest office in the land. I imagine that’s pretty high pressure in and of itself- but, there’s a lot to indicate that there will be things come to light across a stretch of some months here that well, Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.

I’m just not entirely as sure as some that she won’t be able to not only explain it, but turn it to her advantage. However, looking right around mid-July to August, it really seems something comes out in the open she may not be able to overcome. There’s a pretty clearly indicated mad scramble right after, so it doesn’t seem she won’t do all she can to get passed it.