
Weight Loss Hypnosis 6-Part Program

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With our Ultimate 6-Part Natural Weight Blaster Program, you can literally step into a new you, as you embrace each day feeling and looking great. If you are not living your best life, and you have tried everything out there to lose weight, but just end up disappointed, our Ultimate 6-Part Natural Weight Buster Program can help you lose weight naturally and effortlessly.


When we set out to create our Ultimate Program for Natural Weight Loss, one of the things we did not want to do was to reinforce an unrealistic image of the human body. We also wanted to make sure that proper health and nutrition were paramount in this approach. We're all indoctrinated in cultures that reward anorexic images of the body. The implicit message is less weight = good. We don't believe in promoting unrealistic body image.


The power of the Ultimate 6-Part Natural Weight Blaster Program builds over it's multiple components to assist in reprogramming your subconscious mind to love yourself, be healthy and accept your ideal body weight, instead of simply focusing on losing weight regardless of health consequences.


This six-part nearly three-hour program includes everything you need to begin living a healthier and more satisfying lifestyle. This mind-blowing life-changing program includes:


1.    Natural Weight Loss

2.    Universal Mind of Health

3.    Love and Accept Your Body

4.    The Road to Better Health

5.    Stepping into the New You

6.    101 Healthy Weight Affirmations


With the Ultimate 6-Part Natural Weight Blaster Program, you can literally step into a new you, as you embrace each day feeling and looking great. If you are not living your best life, and you have tried everything to lose weight, but end up disappointed, weight loss hypnosis can help you lose weight naturally and effortlessly.

You deserve to feel confident and self-assured. It's easy to maintain a healthy weight and feel motivated and inspired when you make those changes deep in the subconscious mind.

What Does the Research Say?


Research shows us that hypnosis can be more than 30 times more effective for weight loss when compared to other methods.


Cochrane et al even conducted a study using weight loss hypnosis with 60 female subjects who were over 20% overweight. The subjects were divided into two groups, a control group and a group who received hypnosis.


The groundbreaking results showed that the group who received hypnosis lost more weight with participant on average losing 17 pounds over the course of the study. In comparison, the control group only lost 1/2 pound on average.


There is nothing out there, of which we are aware, that is safer or more successful for long-term weight loss than hypnosis.


You deserve a beautiful, lean, healthy body and with hypnosis, you never have to struggle ever again. Change really is an inside job, aren't you worth it?


This MP3 is in the English Language


Included free of charge is our Introduction to Hypnosis audio track.  


Together these two MP3 recordings represent over 30-minutes of high quality targeted hypnosis that will help both mind and body tune into your perfectly natural state of being.

All MP3 products are available for a total of six downloads over a 90-day period...this way you can save all your hypnosis tracks to multiple devices for easy and repeated listening.


These sessions are not meant to take the place of a medical doctor, they are meant as a complementary procedure. We do not claim to cure, diagnose or heal any ailment...these sessions are meant strictly for the purpose of relaxation and visualization only.

Always listen to hypnosis and meditation audio programs in a quiet environment that will allow for relaxation and even sleep. Never listen to hypnosis and meditation audio programs while driving or operating machinery.


The Ultimate 6-Part Natural Weight Blaster Program Includes -


Program 1 - Natural Weight Loss Hypnosis Audio


Focus on your ideal body image as you learn to appreciate your body for the amazing work of engineering it really is. Imagine being able to obtain your perfect body weight easily and naturally? Imagine loving yourself, for exactly who you are?  Learning to love yourself, for exactly how you are in the present moment, is the first step to healing. Being healthy is a matter of choice, and in this audio you will learn to crave healthy foods and choose activities that allow you to stay at a healthy natural weight for you.


Program 2 - Tapping into the Universal Mind Meditation


This meditation is based off of U.S. Anderson's book "Three Magic Words" with a powerful twist. In this session, you will experience what it feels like to tap into the Universal Mind where perfect health and wellness are easily achievable.


In this session, you sink into blissful peace listening to a dual voice. You do not even have to consciously listen to the words  - because the session is designed in a way that allows the words to melt into your subconscious mind. This meditation is extremely relaxing and very powerful. In this meditation - you are pure spirit.


Program 3 - Love and Accept Your Body Hypnosis Audio


In this life transforming session, you learn how to and accept your body - just like it is. Enjoy a "love your body acceptance exercise" as well where you thank each and every part of your body for supporting you so lovingly. This session is a must have for your collection because nothing is more powerful than loving yourself and your body in the moment.


Program 4 -The Road to Better Health Hypnosis Audio


Imagine being able to travel down a new road and make healthier choices? Imagine taking back that control of your mind and body, as it pertains to weight loss? With this session, you can. The road to better health is a powerful metaphor that can help you make long lasting changes. This is a wonderful session for overcoming obstacles and moving beyond limitations that once held you back. Experience the feeling of success as you overcome those beliefs that are keeping you from achieving your goals.


Program 5 - Stepping into a New You Hypnosis Audio


What if you could step into a new you? What if you could wake up feeling healthier and more vibrant? You can do that and more in this amazing session. Rediscover who you really are as you delve through many complex layers. Stepping back and learning how to see yourself from a completely new perspective is crucial to changing your thinking.


In this amazing session, you learn to release old patterns that are holding you back. All of your beliefs as it pertains to health and wellness and a healthy weight have been influenced by your thoughts and feelings...and you can change those thoughts, starting today.


Program 6 -101 Healthy Weight Affirmations


In this session, you will enjoy over 100 beautifully spoken affirmations as you relax to the music Pure of Heart by Christopher Lloyd Clark. All of the affirmations in the individual sessions are blended together in this one powerful session. These affirmations can be listened to any-time and they are a wonderful complement to any weight loss program.


Included free of charge is our Introduction to Hypnosis audio track. Together these seven MP3 recordings represent almost three-hours of high quality targeted hypnosis that will help your mind and body work in perfect harmony to achieve higher satisfaction with you weight.


All MP3 products are available for a total of six downloads...this way you can save all your hypnosis tracks to multiple devices for easy and repeated listening.


These sessions are not meant to take the place of a medical doctor, they are meant as a complementary procedure. We do not claim to cure, diagnose or heal any ailment...these sessions are meant strictly for the purpose of relaxation and visualization only.

Always listen to hypnosis and meditation audio programs in a quiet environment that will allow for relaxation and even sleep. Never listen to hypnosis and meditation audio programs while driving or operating machinery.


Q: How long should I use this product before I can expect results? 


A: The real power of hypnosis is in the daily repetition of listening that effectively reprograms the subconscious mind to work with you, instead of sabotaging your success. You’ll need to listen daily for 30 consecutive days before you see results. Hang in there; progress comes with time and practice.


Q: Is audio hypnosis less effective than in-person hypnosis?



A: A recorded audio is actually more effective because you can listen to it again and again. In a one-on-one session, you need to keep returning (and paying) to get the repetition. With our MP3s you get the gift that keeps on giving, over and over again.


Q: Is your hypnosis safe?


A: We only practice Clinical Hypnosis and not Stage Hypnosis. We believe that recorded hypnosis presents a much safer alternative to in-person hypnosis; because, when you’re under hypnosis you could be taken advantage of by an unscrupulous practitioner. In the comfort of your own home, you can progress safely at your own pace.

Q: Are instructions included with this hypnosis product?

A: We include instructions with every hypnosis program along with helpful email tips. We also have a number of educational and helpful videos on YouTube that can help you learn more about hypnosis and its use.

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  • Marie P - 26th Apr 2017

    Great Recordings

    I love the different recordings to help me especially the affirmations and positive messages. It's making me a lot more calm and in control.

1 Review

  • Marie P - 26th Apr 2017

    Great Recordings

    I love the different recordings to help me especially the affirmations and positive messages. It's making me a lot more calm and in control.

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