The Mystery of Fibromyalgia

The Mystery of Fibromyalgia

Posted by Leslie Riopel, MA, ACHT on 29th Aug 2016

Fibromyalgia is a complex disease that can sap your energy and leave you feeling exhausted. Although there is no one cause, that doesn't mean you cannot lead a healthier life because meditation can offer you real relief.

Mindfulness techniques like meditation allow you to escape from the day-to-day pain and focus on healing, which can be very soothing and relaxing.

Focusing on healing allows you to rest deeply, and resting can be very restorative to the mind and body. When you relax deeply on a regular basis you help reduce the level of cortisol in your body, which can exacerbate symptoms.

Practicing mindfulness via meditation can help you turn off the endless chatter in your mind. This type of meditation helps you by helping you train your mind to stop reacting to the endless stream of thoughts.

Your brain intensifies and reinforces anything you happen to be focused on, whether it is a helpful, relaxing thought or an unpleasant sensation. If you focus on the dis-comfort, you feel more dis-comfort. If you focus on pleasant or comforting things or helpful thoughts, like a warm feeling or even a positive affirmation, you naturally experience more comfort and relaxation.

Knowing this, you have the ability to override any feelings of dis-comfort whenever you like, by simply focusing on positive things.

Fibromyalgia can cause constant pain, which can leave you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Meditation and other mindfulness techniques can do much more than just help you relax, they can also help improve the immune system, increase levels of serotonin production and even decrease the intensity of pain and lower anxiety.

Pain is your body's signal that something needs to be addressed, however, once you determine that the pain is no longer needed, you can then use mindfulness techniques to help you alleviate that pain.

Fibromyalgia pain causes someone to ache all over their body. It may also cause trigger points or tender points that hurt, no matter what you do. This hypersensitivity to pain can cause intense pain and achiness, which make it difficult to sleep and get through the day.

Hypnosis and meditation techniques have been used for centuries for pain relief and healing, and hypnosis has even been utilized as anesthesia. Mind-body techniques can help you change the way your brain interprets and responds to pain signals, helping you to live a better life.

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you know how frustrating it can be trying to find relief from the pain. If you suffer from chronic pain, depression or other symptoms brought on by fibromyalgia, there is something you can do.

Stress and pain are intricately connected, and more often than not, being in pain causes stress, and can even worsen stress. Psychological therapies like hypnosis and meditation can help break the cycle of pain, helping you manage it much more effectively.

If you are suffering from fibromyalgia, get relief today with our Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment Meditation session.