September 2016 Monthly Star Blast Horoscopes

September 2016 Monthly Star Blast Horoscopes

Posted by Victoria Reinertsdatter on 5th Sep 2016

Hello again-

Welcome to September! This is a busy month, and you're going to find you can really use much of what's going on to begin to close out your year on a high note. Let's just get right to it- oh, and I have provided what I hope is a helpful general overview for you about what you can expect sign by sign for the duration of Mercury Retrograde's cycle.

Have a great month!


March 21 - April 19

We open the month with an eclipse in Virgo- which, at the time you’re reading this will have passed, however: its impact continues on. The energy from these events tends to last for quite some time- in this case, well into next year. It is this eclipse, however that turns Mercury retrograde into something truly interesting this time around: because instead of not starting anything new, that’s exactly what you should do here.

For you, the ongoing Mercury Retrograde cycle will have you feeling like some things are a struggle- mostly in the day to day, humdrum stuff. The best way for you to handle the usual Merc. Rx woes? Just make sure you are balanced and not nitpicking your worries to death. Don’t overanalyze things and do not be hard on yourself. Perfectionism isn’t your friend and the more you just relax and go with what you can do- you’ll find the better things go for you.

The first week of the month is interesting, Aries- because Jupiter moves into Libra, which is the sign opposing your own. So far, you have been reaping some benefit from it having been in Virgo- however, now, the progress shifts into your love life and your relationships with others. As this goes on, you will notice that you become a lot more social, a lot more ready to connect with others- and you’ll really have a great time doing it. For those of you in less than satisfactory relationships, however, this transit may highlight those issues- and it may have you feeling like you’re caught in an endless cycle: but that’s just it, you can end the cycles there whether it be in addressing issues or simply cutting the tie.

Towards mid-month on the 16th, there’s a lunar eclipse in Pisces which will carry over into next year- you can use this event to go ahead and really just let go of a lot of the things that have been stifling you. This usually refers to things that you have needed to rid yourself of for a long time- bad habits, bad relationships, toxic things and the like. Unhealthy baggage and needless worries are another good one to kick to the curb.

You will also find that a lot of people look to you to play the diplomat and you will have a tremendously easy time of helping others to settle disputes. All in all, September kicks off a time when your charisma is just too big to ignore- and you can definitely make the most of that. When the Sun also links up with Jupiter towards the end of the month, you’ll also find that working well with others is a bigger highlight and helps get things on a more successful track. Around that same time, Venus will present you with a lot of opportunities to make those connections.

When your ruling planet moves into Capricorn- again towards the end of the month, you will find yourself ready to put all of this to good use. You’ll also find yourself completely ready to do so, and you’ll be definitely able to make a lot of projects you have already been working on just shine. During this time if you have been feeling somewhat out of control of your life- you’ll also find yourself really feeling like you’ve taken your personal power back.

We close the month out with a new moon in Libra- and this is a wonderful starting point for October: so look at it as the fresh start in so many ways that it can be, Aries.

April 20 - May 20

The first week of the month also holds nice things for you, Taurus, as towards the tail end of it, Jupiter moves into Libra- and this has been doing some heavy lifting in Virgo: in your love life. Now that it’s in Libra, it moves on into your work life helping you to sort of figure out what you want to do in your career or how you can use opportunities that emerge to expand in that particular area of your life.

We open this month with a solar eclipse in Virgo- which, at the time of your reading this is going to have already come and gone: however, its impact will last on into next year. This is a fantastic time to do something you normally wouldn’t in a Mercury retrograde: start something new. Except, this has a bit of a twist to it- you will be feeling a bit more passionate about things you may have given up on and working towards taking chances on those things once more. It’s certainly time to streamline your life- and figure out those little details you sort of shied away from for whatever reason.

We also began the month in Mercury Retrograde, and it will station direct on the 22nd, but in the meantime, you will find that you may not feel all that motivated. This is your big Merc Rx kick in the pants, Taurus: because you need to be motivated. You need to be thinking about those areas of your life where you have put your intention and your focus- and those you have neglected as a result. You may find that to be the running theme with those who do not give so much back to you demanding more and more- meanwhile, those who do begin to feel more than a little jilted. Meanwhile- you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed, trying to please everyone- when in fact: you need to prioritize and cut some of those users out of your life. The upshot of all of this, though is that if you move away from the melodrama and move away from defensive, more immature reactions to being called on this stuff: you’ll begin to see things as they are, not as you wish them to be and better able to stand firmly for your own needs in the process. From there, it’s not all serious because you can begin to have more fun.

Towards mid-month, the lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 16th will help you a great deal with all of that, actually as it will sort of renew your resolve to think long term and to move more towards the goals and dreams that you have. You may also feel more like cutting some of the ties that hinder your future and being able to get things more balanced as well- as it will become perfectly clear who is there because they want to bring more to the table rather than take away from it. You will also begin to note that, well, your social life begins to change for the better as you are more able to focus on those relationships that strengthen and nourish: rather than those that only take from you with nothing in return.

Towards the end of the month- the Sun will be in Libra alongside Jupiter, and you’ll feel much more ready to take care of the things you need to. You will find yourself more motivated and productive, but also, extremely efficient about it all- then, when Mars enters into Capricorn, you will also begin to feel a renewed sense of purpose and your own inner strength begins to shine again. A lot of the disappointment you have encountered this year begins to fall away as you begin to work harder towards those things you have always wanted.

By the time the New Moon in Libra hits on the 30th, you’ll be striding into October with a lot more confidence and ready to get things on a much better track.

May 21 - June 20

You start off the month with a bang- the solar eclipse in Virgo, which hits on the 1st. At the time you are reading this, though that’s already passed: this energy will continue to play out for about six months on as other aspects also come into play. This is an awesome thing to occur right alongside the Mercury retrograde already in motion because whereas you’d usually want to avoid dips into your past: this time, you really should, Gemini. Not necessarily hitting up an old flame or anything- but, reconnecting with people you have lost touch with, taking on the projects you put to the backburner and otherwise- well, these are all great things to do. Not only that, this month can bring about tremendous healing for you as revisiting your old traumas and beginning to heal them will certainly get a much bigger boost.

As to that retrograde- it lasts until the 22nd and though the start of the month really feels sort of worrisome and may cause you some anxiety as issues emerge with those you care about- you may find that this rattling of your emotional cage brings about a lot of healing and growth. You begin to see the issues that you’ve been trying to hide from- and are more adept at working towards a much more positive outcome. The one caveat being: you may also be feeling a bit more tender and raw about it all, so be careful not to react from a place of hurt. Take a step back, breathe, and then, address the concerns you have so that you can put them behind you. Also, understand that once Mercury stations direct again- you won’t be feeling these things quite so keenly. This is just sort of that ol’ cosmic nudge to finally take care of those hurts and prevent the resentment from building. With Jupiter going into Libra on the 9th- you will have a lot more allies in this than you might imagine in the heat of the moment: and you will also find yourself feeling so much more motivation and renewed hope that these things can be finally worked through.

Towards the end of the month when the Sun also moves into Libra- you’ll be less sensitive feeling: but this also happens to be the same day that Mercury stations direct, so that certainly helps. You will find yourself feeling like you know, maybe you really can tackle those health concerns by way of changing up your day to day routine. You may begin to work with healthier diet and physical activities- which will certainly help but may begin a long relationship with yourself wherein you finally fully recognize you deserve to feel awesome. Goal setting brings a lot more confidence- but then as you also begin to meet those goals? Even more. Real esteem, not simply empty ego, so this is a phenomenal time for growth for you.

From there, a bit of Mars in Capricorn action brings the playful feelings into a much more serious light- and you’re ready to work out the final kinks in the emotional area. You will be feeling a bit more focused and a bit more ready to lay the groundwork for taking pretty much everything to the next level- and much, much more capable of turning around those situations you’ve felt spiraled out of control over the past year.

The month closes on a really high note with a new moon in Libra to take you on into October feeling of much lighter heart and mind: ready for just about anything with a much more optimistic outlook.

June 21 - July 22

We begin the month with Jupiter moving into Libra- which is a lot better for you than when it was in Virgo, Cancer. You will find that this is an awesome time frame that lasts until next year, and it will help you to refine your emotional outlook and begin to work with them: balancing your heart and that sharp mind to create a much more beautiful and stable mindset. Your focus will be less on those hurts and negative vibes- and in a much more positive, forward moving place. As you do this, you will find that you naturally draw a much more awesome crowd of people who support you in what you do and seem to understand you more.

The solar eclipse we begin our month with- which, creates a terrific energy throughout next year, will also smooth over Mercury retrograde for you in a very real sense. You begin to use your nostalgia to your benefit in the now, but also, to help further solidify your future goals and dreams. This will also give an added boost to that Jupiter movement as you are better able to convey your wants and needs- thus getting them met. In a sense, all of this ties into a lunar eclipse that’s in Pisces on the 16th which helps you to feel more strongly about expressing yourself: standing up for what you know to be right and helping you to learn new things in big ways.

That’s not to say this retrograde won’t bring about a bit of turmoil- of course, it does. However, here’s the forewarned is forearmed, Cancer: you may be feeling a lot more intensely like some things just aren’t right at home, and your family life may begin to show signs of tension and unease in more obvious ways. Those elephants in the room might just start trumpeting pretty loudly- which can hurt, yes, but: if you pull back in the moment to collect yourself, you can work through it all. If you try to convey what you feel during those tense times or events- it may feel like you’ve got your foot pretty hard in your mouth or like you’re just not being heard, so avoid it. Do not, however, avoid the issues presented and you’ll find you can fix them for good and get things moving forward in a better way.

When the Sun also moves into Libra towards the end of the month you’ll be feeling more a homebody than usual, Cancer- but, this is a good thing. You don’t really need to be bouncing out of your comfort zone- for once, and this will help to further nourish those changes you have already begun to make towards being more stable and connecting more strongly with those you’re close to. It also brings a tremendous impact to longer term plans you’ve just got started- and a sense of confidence and purpose to it all.

After that, you may get pulled into a much more assertive and even aggressive energy with Mars moving into Capricorn, Cancer. This will have you feeling stronger about your ability to either cut those ties that are not working out- whether or not you feel nostalgia’s pull on you there, but also, if you decide to remain with a situation or person: it can also help you to establish firm boundaries so that the recurring issues stop.

The month closes out with a new moon in Libra on the 30th which will have you feeling a much more level head- and a whole lot more optimism. It may feel a bit like the key turning point in the year for you and have you feeling ready to tackle some new things.

July 23 - August 22

I think this seems like a backwards way to go about things, Leo- but given the way the year has been for you thus far, telling you about Mars transit on the 27th into Capricorn is probably for the best. You have had this really distracted feeling- and may have felt somewhat adrift: so the first bit of really excellent news is that this transit begins a reciprocity like you have experienced before and it is so wonderful. If you have been plagued with feeling directionless and weird, this transit will help you to feel a lot less so- but more than that, the more you do work on those things, the more your energy and your motivation peaks.

Of course, you probably already know Mercury stationed retrograde at the end of August- and there’s a solar eclipse happening on the 1st. What you may not know, however, is that this energy will carry over well into next year. Don’t groan! I do not mean the hassles often associated with the Merc. Rx cycle- I mean, what I am about to say is so much more good news for you after a rather chaotic year, Leo. Mercury stations direct on the 22nd anyway. However, you will find that the fiscal impact of it really may have you feeling very nervous about the future- here’s where you change things up and flip the script: you’ve got to let go, Leo. You have been holding onto things, wanting to indulge in more things and that isn’t helping- but, once you do this, you can harness the power of this solar eclipse also in play. Here’s where we get to the goodies because with not just one but two eclipses this month: there’s a whole lot of wiggle room.

So, that first eclipse as I mentioned already happened and it’s in Virgo. This will bring about a lot of hope found in those things you thought you’d given up on, but kind of secretly wished could happen. The next one, on the 16th, is a lunar eclipse, and it is in Pisces- you will find that the old issues that kept you stubborn, kept you feeling a bit less like expressing yourself? Start to bubble up a bit which sounds bad, except it’s wonderful because you can let go. More than that, you will be able to see and feel in a very real sense how good it is to do so, and how you can heal from the things that caused those patterns of behavior in the first place.

Though you have been feeling a bit adrift for some time now- there’s a lot of Jupiter and Venus in the mix to help you out this month, as well as the Sun tying up with Jupiter to make that much more meaningful. You will find that as Jupiter transits into Libra on the 9th, you start to feel much smarter about your money, you begin to see opportunities for strengthening existing resources, but also- for obtaining new ones. You will be feeling a bit quicker on the draw mentally, too- so pretty much whatever gets thrown at you, you adapt, you learn from and turn to your advantage as long as you keep positive and open minded. Remember, this month, it does you no good to stubbornly cling- so, don’t.

Closing out the month with an optimism filler of a new moon in Libra- you will be finding yourself feeling like maybe October’s gonna rock: and you’ll feel that way because you feel much more in control and not like you’re just going through the motions.

August 23 - September 22

Of course, my Virgos- you all know that your ruler Mercury is in retrograde. Never one to miss details, this one always gets your attention because of the havoc it can often wreak on your carefully organized plans. The fact that it’s in your sign, to boot may have already been throwing a lot of wrenches into things- but, I do have some really good news for you. You will need to wade through all the mess, of course, but, this transit also can bring about many opportunities to correct some longstanding problems and put them to rest- for good! (Plus, you know it stations direct on the 22nd, so, hang in there. You’ve got this.)

We also begin the month with a solar eclipse in your sign to boot- which, kinda helps you out with this retrograde cycle. Though of course as you read this, it’s already happened, the impact will carry over into next year: so, this is a good thing, Virgo. You will find that things you thought had gone by the wayside, things you thought were hopeless, things you’d just plain given up on- or things others had given up on with you: get a second look and second chances. Possibly, even 3rd and 4th chances- the whole idea is that you get a number of do-overs you probably never imagined you would.

It gets even better because both Jupiter and the Sun leave your sign to go into Libra- now, you may have noticed as they were hanging out there, you had a lot better mindsets even though you had to deal with some big issues. You had a much stronger sense of being able to take charge- and that was awesome. That doesn’t mean the transit into Libra has to derail that at all, instead, it just means the focus shifts from you, personally and your mindsets into how you can take those problems you solved- and encourage stability but also, use that new frame of mind to solve any issues that come up now. It’s also a very good time to work out any problems with your money and how you handle it: but be careful not to overdo it when you’re rewarding yourself and others.

On the 16th, there is another eclipse- this time a lunar eclipse in Pisces which is the sign that opposes yours, Virgo. This is a fantastic sort of karmic thing: as you realize that a lot of the defense mechanisms and walls you’ve built over time as a result of hurts you’ve endured can be worked on, and you can stop allowing them to impact things now and in the future.

As the month closes on a new moon also in Libra- you will feel a renewed sense of optimism when it comes to taking on new projects and getting things rolling on into October to better your financial stability.

September 23 - October 22

This month very quickly becomes all about Libra, as Jupiter moves into your sign on the 9th. You will find that this is a key turning point for you in pretty much everything as you start a whole new cycle of growth, change, and opportunity. You will feel a much stronger sense of hope, optimism and of things finally becoming what you’d always hoped they could, Libra. You begin to find that balance between being good to others- and being good to yourself, and as a result, things just shape up very nicely in your close friendships. However, before all of this really gets underway- we do have a couple things in September to contend with, Libra.

First things first, we did have a solar eclipse on the 1st which will carry positive energies for around a half a year- all the way into 2017. I mention this one first because it has this awesome impact on that gnarly much maligned Mercury retrograde, also already in motion. This is where you dig deep, Libra and this can be a little hard- but, it’s so worth it. You will find yourself ready to finally let go of some of those things that have been hurting you or holding you back- and you will be finding yourself more capable of giving other things another try. There is also a lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 16th which will have you feeling a bit more ready to let go- and adopt only those things you can actually believe in, Libra.

In order to fully actualize the first things I mentioned- and more to come, you have got to start unpacking some emotional baggage this month, Libra. You will find that this retrograde cycle does bring up a lot of your past hurts, it also brings up a lot of things you thought you’d buried and boy, does it bring out all your old haters. More than that, though- Mercury may be nudging you to stop shooting yourself in the foot repeatedly by showing you exactly where you do it. Coming to terms with all of this is a drag- but, it’s very, very worth it so that you can make the most of all the positive this month has to offer as well.

On the same day that Mercury stations direct on the 22nd- you may be feeling like, you know what? It’s okay to be a little more selfish. That’s because the Sun also moves into Libra that day and you will feel more like it’s “me” time- and you’d be right, Libra. It’s time for you to more deeply connect to who you are and what you truly deserve: so you stop accepting less than that.

There is also some movement with Mars going into Capricorn- which, well, can be a little uncomfortable for you, Libra. It lets your emotions take the wheel and honestly, you want to do things, and your powerful emotions begin to drive you more and more- be careful, though this is an effective channel for negativity: it can also be a really quick way to burn out. Let them be an inspiration- but not something you use to avoid issues.

The month closes out with a new moon in your sign- which, is a fantastic thing. You begin to feel more aware, much more excited and happy to take on things you know will further your dreams.

October 23 - November 21

This month opens with quite the bang- and the bag ongoing, Scorpio. First, the solar eclipse in Virgo that happened on the 1st- which may have had you feeling like, well, those old dreams and ideas deserve a second look. You might have started to surprise yourself a bit because you find that you connect very well to people from your past, and you are sorting those issues from your past more in earnest now. That continues- as does this energy, which can last for around six months or so.

As it ties into Mercury retrograde, you don’t get hit too badly, at all. Though you’re feeling a bit wobbly in your self-confidence, you may be getting thrown a little by challenges that are really showing you how strong you are. You may be feeling a little more like getting out there- and being WAY out there, which may be the core of the issue. If you find yourself needing to be in situations where you can truly be yourself- you might also consider that those around you will probably accept you a lot more than you think: and those who won’t? You don’t need them in your life anyway. Once Mercury stations direct on the 22nd, Venus also moves right on into your sign on the 23rd- and this will help you to feel a bit less uncertain, but also a lot more charismatic and like you’re speaking in such a way that others really get you.

Pulling it back around to the start of the month, you’ll find that Jupiter’s transit into Libra does some really nice things for you- you’re ready to take steps forward and stop thinking about those areas where you might not have done as well as you’d hoped. You are feeling more like it’s time to let go of those things that no longer serve you- and like it’s time to dig into some emotional things, release, and heal. You might be feeling a bit more introspective as the month begins- but, you will also feel quite a bit luckier, quite a bit more like your intuition’s guiding you to all the right places.

When Mars goes into Capricorn on the 27th, you will be feeling much more expressive and ready to be open about what you think and feel. You may be feeling a bit more socially needy- but at the same time, it doesn’t matter quite as much as it did before and you’re happy either way. You want to engage in things that get you busy and thinking- and you really begin to seek out new things.

When the month concludes with that new moon in Libra, you’re ready for October to be something truly magical, and you may just find your perspectives have shifted so much that you feel like a totally new person.

November 22 - December 21

We start this month in Mercury retrograde- which is a real groaner for most people, except, this time, it ties right on into a solar eclipse in Virgo on the 1st. This is an awesome thing- and quite a profound thing for you, Sagittarius as the influences at play will carry over well into next year. You will find that though the retrograde cycle brings a bunch of issues with your career life- it is helping you to understand better what you need to do. Though your energy levels might go a bit into the toilet- it’s because there may be some things you need to look at, some long term goals that are being impacted by other things: and looking at why your confidence levels have taken a hit will be important. While others may be able to take big chances and risk some things under this one- you are better served going inward now.

That solar eclipse is there to help, though- you will find that looking at the things you once believed and refining them further helps you to recognize that actually, you’re not so bad. A lot has happened that may have impacted the way you feel about yourself and has had you on really wobbly legs in the confidence department- but now’s the time where you can refine those old dreams, and begin to give them quite a lot of new shine. In the process, your own sense of self-worth begins to rise up again in a much healthier way. When you get into the other eclipse- that lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 16th: you will find that the emotional needs, and the emotional hurts you have become too loud to ignore. Then you realize they are exactly why you have felt that sense of unsteadiness and why you feel like you do- and once you begin that healing process, a lot gets even better for you from there on out.

Your ruler’s doing a lot of moving and shaking, too- on the 9th, Jupiter heads into Libra, and that will have you feeling a lot more ready to move forward, as well. You will see more opportunity and feel more inspired- but also, the really great thing happens on the 22nd, not just Mercury going direct but rather: the Sun joining your ruler in Libra. This creates a much stronger sense of purpose for you and has you feeling like you’re ready to turn that corner with your support system. Over the course of the past few months, you may have been noticing pretty keenly who is just surface level- and which friends are the most loyal and supportive. While that goes on you may also start to meet and interact with new people who also hold that potential and all in all, it feels pretty great. Be careful towards the end of the month as Mars moves into Capricorn on the 27th because this can make you feel a bit more risky, frisky and hardworking than maybe you should be. Use the motivation- but balance so you don’t burn out.

Then, the new moon on the 30th- aaaah, what a relief. New Moon in Libra for you means that a lot of these new and interesting things begin to really show purpose and connect with those existing ones to help you nearly form a whole new tribe.

December 22 - January 19

Capricorn- this is going to be a much better month for us. First, let’s talk about Jupiter because I know how things have been feeling stuck for so many of us while it was in Virgo: yes, it brought about a lot of new opportunities and all sorts of perspective shifting craziness- but, now that it goes into Libra we are going to be feeling wonderful.

There are a number of reasons for this, but many of the goals we have been dealing with that keep stalling out: begin to actually show fruit. One caveat, though- you have to be doing things exactly the way they need to be done. I know that sounds weird, but if you’ve been trying to reach goals that go against your own nature or your own soul- well, that’s a big part of why they haven’t been working out. Even those who have been have seen delays- but, now, if you have been working on the right things, and doing the right things, you will find that the rewards are beginning to grow in earnest.

Mercury Retrograde is doing a sort of tango with this solar eclipse we had on the 1st. Now I realize you’re reading this after the fact- but, these things are going to carry forward for quite some time. This has been a really stifling retrograde for us but, there’s a wonderful thing happening and at play with it- our perspectives are again being challenged. Though we have a lot of problems hitting us with how we communicate with others, or how we interact- those things are showing us the way forward in terms of mistakes we have made that caused all the setbacks and delays.

The solar eclipse helps us to see those embedded patterns within us that have either hindered us- or strengthened us: and with all the challenges in the mix, we begin to better understand how we can become much more hopeful about things- and feel a bit less stifled in everything that we do. When the Sun moves into Libra on the 22nd, the same day Mercury stations direct, you may find that right action is everything, and you feel a lot more motivated to move forward again. Discipline and focus become something that you can truly feel again after feeling somewhat unable to due to circumstances beyond your control- and forward movement feels much smoother. When Mars enters our sign on the 27th, it’s go time- and all that drained, sort of empty feeling falls away and gives in to a much more excitable, happy energy that is driven by passion.

When the month concludes with a new moon in Libra on the 30th- odd little out of nowhere opportunities leap up and are just ripe for the taking. Connections are made with those who can help further your dreams.

January 20 - February 18

The month began with a solar eclipse in Virgo, Aquarius- and this is a good thing, in spite of the Mercury retrograde cycle at play. This impact will carry you forward well into next year, so deeply consider the changes you’re being prodded to make by the challenges- they have much more long term implication than they may seem to. This one brings about all those things you repressed, or that others seem to try to oppress in you, and it can help you to feel like it’s time to move on.

The retrograde itself has you feeling a bit more dark, a bit more grouchy- but, it also makes you better understand why. You may have been feeling distant or disconnected in your closer relationships which has had you feeling insecure and stuck. Once you begin to sort these unbalanced emotions- you will find that things are actually better than you think, and much of what has been at play is either people who need to go: or people who just genuinely misread some cues and thought you needed the space.

When Mercury goes direct- it actually has a pretty powerful ally with the Sun moving into Libra, joining Jupiter on the 22nd. This is when you realize- hey, people wanted to give you space because they noticed how important your freedom to explore really was: even before you did. Now that you start to get it a bit more, you feel much lighter and much more able to have some fun, explore, and have a few new experiences in the process. You may also start to feel like opportunities pop up in those new places- and you may be feeling more like connecting with others in a balanced way that respects you need for freedom.

Towards the end of the month, Mars moves into Capricorn which does have you feeling more introverted- but it’s easy, just pull back and be alone when you need to. You will begin to notice that as you respect your own needs, others do too. You start to feel a stronger pull of instinct within you which leads you to spiritual places you may not have fully explored yet- and you will feel like taking care of a lot of things you let slide.

With so much introspection and understanding going by the time the new moon hits on the 30th- you will feel a bit less hindered, a lot more free to express yourself and ready to step forward being just who you are.

February 19 - March 20

As the month gets underway- you might already be feeling the impact of the solar eclipse on the 1st- but understand that this eclipse in Virgo will continue to work on your life all the way into next year. As it ties into Mercury’s retrograde cycle and another eclipse, a lunar eclipse in your sign on the 16th: these things are where a lot of things start to turn a corner, Pisces. You have been dealing with the usual Mercury retrograde communication blues and probably, more than a little unsure of your next steps. Things just don’t have much balance, and calm is hard won at times.

These two eclipses will have a powerful impact on you because they help you to better reconnect with those you have fallen out with, but also, sense better chances in new places or with new people. While that can create a bit of a problem with existing relationships, you will also notice that you are ready to let them go: particularly if they aren’t nourishing your own ambitions and needs.

You begin to realize a balance has to be achieved, and though you’re open to differing opinions, you really seek out those you connect with on much, much deeper levels. Once that lunar eclipse in your sign hits on the 16th, you get to feel a LOT bigger sense of karma- not only in this lifetime, finally seeing some things come to fruition, but also, you may begin to better understand a tie that is older and more deep than any you’ve ever had before it. This can be a very emotional time, but be careful not to act on the more intense emotions if they are negative- give them time and space, then make your choice.

Towards the end of the month, when Mars moves into Capricorn, a lot of the doldrums you have been feeling just sort of explode. You’re ready to make certain things much more important, and you’re ready to get things moving- you feel like you’re getting closer than ever in many ways. But in others, you’re just starting out, and that feels pretty good too. Being around like minded people begins to feed your energy levels and you want to explore everything. You’re no longer content to do things the way that others dictate you do them: or ways you have imposed on yourself to fit in. You’re ready to stand out for who you really are- and you’re discovering that’s what’s behind all the stagnation in the first place.

The new moon at the end of the month in Libra brings some too irresistible to ignore situations- things that have already been dangled there, but you haven’t reached for. You finally feel ready to explore it to the fullest and the bonds you form from this point on are deep and meaningful.