Dealing With a Lack of Appetite - What You Can Do Now

Dealing With a Lack of Appetite - What You Can Do Now

Posted by Leslie Riopel, MA, ACHT on 5th Jun 2017

Do you suffer from a lack of appetite because of a medication or health reasons? Are you sick and tired of everyone trying to get you to eat?

Appetite control is a very complex subject, involving signals from outside and inside the brain. It's important to maintain adequate caloric intake for homeostasis and survival, but for those who struggle with trying to get enough calories, it can be a difficult process.

Different factors can cause a loss of appetite from:

  • Prescription medications
  • Chemotherapy
  • Health conditions
  • Changing taste buds
  • Depression or loneliness

Certain medical conditions can also cause a loss of appetite including conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, head and neck cancers, mouth or throat infections, periodontal disease, salivary gland dysfunction, thyroid disorders and more.

Many people can actually be turned off by food or repulsed by portions that are way too large. The truth is that sometimes illness or disease simply turns us off from food. Believe it or not, one way to remedy this is by using mind-body therapies like hypnosis or meditation. Working with your subconscious mind, you can reprogram your mind to enjoy food once again.

Meditation has many health benefits including:

  • Increases blood flow and slows the heart rate
  • Decreases muscle tension
  • Helps in post-operative healing
  • Enhances energy
  • Helps relax the nervous system
  • Helps with weight loss (or weight gain)
  • Great for lowering blood pressure
  • Can help relieve headaches
  • Helps boost self-confidence
  • Helps you control your thoughts
  • Can increase serotonin levels
  • Can enhance creativity and imagination
  • Can help develop your intuition
  • Helps you solve complex problems better
  • Can help you boost your attitude
  • Provides peace of mind and greater happiness
  • Can help you bring the body, mind and spirit into alignment
  • Can help you learn to be present in the moment
  • Releases endorphins your brain's natural feel-good chemical

Meditation activates a part of the brain in charge of the autonomic nervous system, which controls the body's functions such as blood pressure and digestion. These same types of functions are also impacted and even compromised by stress, so taking the time to modulate these functions can naturally ward off stress-related conditions like heart disease, digestive problems and things like a loss of appetite.

There are so many benefits to meditation it is hard to list them all. Meditation helps purge stress and anxiety from the mind and the body. It helps release tension and it relaxes the mind. Meditation can lower stress hormones, lower blood pressure and even help those with sleep or eating disorders. Daily meditation is a wonderful way to start the day because it helps you ground and center yourself.

Meditation helps evoke what is called the Relaxation Response, which helps you in many ways. Meditation helps you gain clarity and focus because it helps you slow your breathing down and relax your muscles.

There are many health benefits to meditation and you don't really need any special skills to do so. Life can be overwhelming at times and meditation can help you cope better with the daily stress and strain of life.

If you or someone you love is dealing with a chronic lack of appetite, get relief today with our Natural Appetite Stimulation Meditation session.