Are You Overwhelmed When Dealing with a New Health Diagnosis?

Are You Overwhelmed When Dealing with a New Health Diagnosis?

Posted by Leslie Riopel, MA, ACHT on 17th Oct 2016

Being diagnosed with a devastating health diagnosis can leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. A new health diagnosis may even cause you to spin out of control. This experience can feel like an emotional roller coaster, but there are some ways in which you can handle this kind of emotional pressure.

According to researchers, a stressful life can actually add to the psychological stress of an illness. The same thing goes if you have a history of depression. Dealing with a new medical diagnosis is a traumatic experience for anyone, even without any added stressful events.

One strategy that does work is that of mindfulness or living in the moment. The truth is that your positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions have a direct impact on your ability to heal. The more you focus on the positive, the better you will be able to cope with a devastating diagnosis.

Both hypnosis and meditation work with the power of the mind, helping you move into a healthier state of mind.

The truth is your DNA is influenced by your thoughts and feelings so whatever you envision in your mind has a direct correlation to how your body responds to life.

One of the best things you can do for yourself, in the wake of a devastating diagnosis, is to remember that thoughts become things. The more you focus on healing and the more gratitude you express, the happier and more grateful you will feel.

Practicing mindfulness and even self-hypnosis can go a long way to helping you heal because it allows you to face the world, one moment at a time.

Digesting the news of a new diagnosis can bring a flood of emotions including feelings of guilt or shame. Grief and a feeling of being overwhelmed is also another common reaction. However, it's important to realize that this is all perfectly normal.

Your brain intensifies and reinforces anything that you happen to be focused on, whether it is a helpful, comforting thought or an unpleasant sensation. If you focus on the negative and on the pain and discomfort, you will feel more discomfort. If you focus on pleasant things or helpful thoughts, like a favorite pet or a loved one, or even a positive statement, you will naturally experience more comfort and relaxation and as a result, you will be able to deal with your illness in a more positive manner.

Treating yourself with love and kindness, and remembering to take that time to rest and relax, can keep you from spiraling out of control when dealing with a new health or medical diagnosis. In the end, you have the ultimate power over your mind and body, and you can help yourself heal.

If you are dealing with a new health or medical diagnosis, get relief today with our Dealing with a New Health or Medical Diagnosis Hypnosis session.